Fuselage comes with sensible defaults, but feel free to customize them using these variables found within the _settings.scss file.


$gimme-debug boolean False
Enables the debug module.

$gimme-responsive-tables boolean True
Includes responsive table classes. If it is disabled, only basic tables are available.

$gimme-responsive-widths boolean True
Includes responsive width classes. If it is disabled, only basic widths are available (no namespaces).


$xsmall width value (0)
Sets the breakpoint for the xsmall media size.

$small width value (320px)
Sets the breakpoint for the small media size.

$medium width value (640px)
Sets the breakpoint for the medium media size.

$large width value (960px)
Sets the breakpoint for the large media size.

$xlarge width value (1280px)
Sets the breakpoint for the xlarge media size.

$xxlarge width value (1500px)
Sets the breakpoint for the xxlarge media size.


$brand-primary color value (#FF6633)
Sets the value for the brand-primary color.

$brand-secondary color value (#6DBBB7)
Sets the value for the brand-secondary color.

$brand-tertiary color value (#B29167)
Sets the value for the brand-tertiary color.

$info-color color value (#778899)
Sets the value for the info-color that is used within Fuselage.

$success-color color value (3B8C0C)
Sets the value for the success-color that is used within Fuselage.

$warn-color color value (#FFB83F)
Sets the value for the warn-color that is used within Fuselage.

$alert-color color value (#CE4844)
Sets the value for the alert-color that is used within Fuselage.


$base-ratio numeric value ($golden)
Sets the modular scale used in the typography. Below are variable names for valid ratios you can use, along with their values.

Ratio Value
Golden (Phi) 1.618034
Double Octave 4
Major Twelfth 3
Major Eleventh 2.666666667
Major Tenth 1.5
Octave 2
Major Seventh 1.875
Minor Seventh 1.777777778
Major Sixth 1.666666667
Minor Sixth 1.6
Fifth 1.5
Augmented Fourth 1.41421
Fourth 1.333333333
Major Third 1.25
Minor Third 1.2
Major Second 1.125
Minor Second 1.066666667

modular-scale([$index, $scale-list]) function
Accesses a given modular scale by index.

$index positive integer (2)
Index of the given modular scale. Cannot exceed the $scale-length
$scale-list list of numeric values ($generated-scale)
Modular scale to be used. Will use the default scale unless a new one is generated and passed in.

$scale-length positive integer (7)
Determines the length of your modular scale. The modular scale is a list of values, accessible by passing an index to the modular-scale function.

$base-font font stack (Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif)
Sets the base font-stack for the project.

$specialty-font font stack ("Palatino linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, serif)
Sets the specialty font stack for the project.

$mono-font font stack ("Courier New", Courier, monospace)
Sets the monspaced font stack for the project. This is used in code blocks.

$base-font-size font size (1.8rem)
Sets the base font size for the project. Based on a rem size of 10px.

$base-line-height line height ($base-ratio)
Sets the base line height for the project.

$code-font-size font size (1.45rem)
Sets the text color for the project.

$text-color color value (#2E2E2E)
Sets the text color for the project.


$spacing-unit spacing value (modular-scale(3))
Sets the spacing unit for the project. This defaults to the third value in the generated modular scale.

$border-radius radius value (modular-scale(1))
Sets the border-radius value for the project. This defaults to the first value in the generated modular scale.